Thursday, May 2, 2019

Where has your unlimited freedom of speech gotten you, and us?

Dear Centrist
Dear Moderate
Dear Mister Incremental Change

Where has your dithering gotten us now?

You believe in the 1787 US constitution.

You say dont blame non voters for our mess.

You say exposing the truth of wrong doing will change hearts and minds.

You say unlimited freedom of speech is worth the risk because the alternative is a slippery slope of death and oppression.

Well here we are.

The republicans know they are lying, and they dont care.

The non voter doesnt care or, worse, simpy does NOT believe their vote can change anything, and, like an anti vaxxer will resist exposure to the truth and do nothing.

Treason, fraud, murder, espionage and extortion are all and have been blatantly exposed and an entire multi BILLION dollar industry exists to perpetuate a lie for the minority: a minority large enough to lock the gears of the antiquated 1789 system.

Do you REALLY think getting money out of politics will fix this?

Get a clue. They will lie more.

Freedom to lie, as allowed by radical interpretation of the 1789 constitution is WHY we are in this mess.

Democracy is a battle of narratives and one of those narratives is a BLATANT DANGEROUS and fascist lie.

Your incremental change cannot fix this.

If there are no more free elections, there are NO MORE INCREMENTS.

If you morally excuse the non voter, the fascist minority UTTERLY PREVENTS amending the constitution to fix this.

The 1789 constitution places enforcement if the law under the executive.  It actually says nothing about prosecution but until we legislate to fix the courts as well as the department of justice it is just inadequate.

Unlimited freedom to have your spiritual experience by yourself or to criticize the government as you see fit are needed. Unlimited freedom of the press TO TELL THR TRUTH is needed.

Freedom to lie is toxic to democracy and it is TIME YOU ADMITTED the 1787 constitution can no longer cut it.

Time for a new one.

Sincerely yours,

Harsh Fucking Reality