Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A Modest Proposal: Declaration of Independence of the United Cities of America

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one segment of a society to dissolve the ties that bind them; it is advantageous to recount the reasons for doing so and to measure the threshold wherein such is justified such that posterity can hold their head high on the demands that such seemingly radical actions create about the ramifications to a society once so declared.   It is not enough that there be evil intent or evil action in one's enemy but such contemptible behavior that one is forced to declare war when one has war declared upon them in turn.

Whereas the 2016 Trump Tax Cuts blatantly robbed from from Blue States to Give to Red States;

Whereas the entirety of the Republican Party sans one Senator refused to impeach a President clearly and evidently guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors;

Whereas a corrupt and conservative court did ignore the well being of the Republic to force a partisan election to maintain a conservative advantage in the State of Wisconsin held an election in the midst of a virus outbreak not since in a hundred years;

Whereas the same virus outbreak saw the same corrupt president fraudulently share sham medicinal cures on a terrified public wherein he financially profited

Whereas that self same president routinely holds rallies in rural areas demonizing the inhabitants of our cities with fascists rhetoric and hate speech;

Whereas the brave soldiers and sailors of our republic are mocked and led with inept acting cabinet aficionados that bypass the United States Senate;

Whereas the coequal subpoenas of congress are ignored by self said corrupt executive;

Whereas the corrupt leadership of the Senate is more interested in appointing as many self serving corrupt judges that ignore the will of the Majority for corruption and fraudulent interests;

Whereas the tyrannical executive corrupts the apparatus of Justice for his own ends and means in a manner hitherto never seen before in our nation's history

Whereas the dishonorable opponents our glorious cities routinely speak of a Republic in which they have more vote than that of the enlightened urbanity;

Whereas the fundamentals of the constitution itself are blatantly ignored in the ignoring of bribery, self interest and gifts in the Emolument clause and the instruments of government itself are shackled to be able to enforce it;

Wherein our protectorates are ignored and our treaties are violated;

Wherein our international reputation is ruined and our sacred Head of State is reduced to a perpetual  joke that no successor will ever truly be able to redeem;

Wherein the very conventions of war and humanity itself are violated in convention of treaty and federal, state and local law with the unlawful and merciless imprisonment of children;

Wherein the press, being necessary for the monitoring of government to maintain a free state has been systematically threatened and oppressed with the counter factual apparatus has been organized and maintained in direct contravention to the interests of the people;

Whereas credible evidence exists that the Republican executive, legislative and judiciary have as a whole engaged in treasonous intercourse with enemies foreign; Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil and Hungary; and domestic; Facebook, Blackwater, Twitter and more; have blatantly and without regard objectified and vilified persons of color, women, LGBT and anyone of a political mindset not their own in the most systemic personification of evil incarnate since the third Reich;

We, the United Cities of America do declare independence and answer these acts of war with the fact that we shall make war in kind.  We shall not engage in unlawful military transaction but acknowledge what already is, that this nation is in a state of open warfare by enemies foreign and domestic and do pledge sovereign action from which henceforth there shall be no turning back.  Namely, we the foresigned do swear:

Those who from this day forth aid or abet treasonous powers such as the Republican Party, Fox News, The Koch Regime, Project Veritas, Facebook, Twitter or any other element in the Axis of Fascism such as Hungary, Poland, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Brazil, the Philippines, The People's Republic of China or Turkey shall be dealt with as enemies of the Republic.  That upon ascension by a United Cities Candidate to the Presidency to the Republic that an Independent Proprietorial Panel shall be establish to prosecute violations to the fullest and vicious extent of the law.

That the Declaration of Human Rights shall be inviolate in EVERY American City and that no federal power shall be tolerated to rescind one iota of human dignity thus forth;

That the truth shall be sacrosanct and that those who spread lies or 'alternative facts' in wholesale deception shall be prosecuted for fraud to the fullest extent of the law within our borders.

That Every Single American City shall be granted Statehood coequal to rural states that seek to shackle the best of American Culture and Economic

That Every Federal Department (such as the Department of Homeland Security and BNS) that has deliberately and willfully enabled evil in the Republican Regime will be dissolved and replaced in its entirity with political ascendancy by the United Cities.

That any political party that desires the vote of the United Cities will have a separate primary than rural areas and that their interests will come first.  Small rural states will NEVER be allowed to determine the presidential candidate for a party supported by the United  Cities ever again.

That Mayors that support the Republican Regime will not be tolerated and that cities that elect them will be boycotted in their entirity.

That Governors of States that try to break the power of the Union of Cities will be boycotted from all business by city governments.

That news organizations that represent or warp the truth (Facebook, Fox News, Project Veritas) will not receive press passes or endorsement or tolerance in any american city.  That their right to free speech and the free press is accepted must be so; but they will not be endorsed or encouraged or treated as equals to the legitimate or even to burgeoning and independent press

That we support a universal basic income.

That we support universal healthcare provided by the government and only augmented by private industry as determined helpful by the people at large.

That we will DEMAND independent enforcement and monitoring of critical federal agencies such as justice and the military such that while the Presidency may direct them he may not coopt them.

That the congress shall have a separate court for immediate redress of abuse by the executive with a direct appeal to the supreme court.

That the supreme court be purged of rapists.

That the Supreme Court be expanded in number until it represents the interests of the people of the United States

That statehood shall also be granted to Puerto Rico and the District of Colombia.

That all historical grievances of Cities against the States that have shackled them shall be investigated with prejudice by the Presidency and enforced in the interest of cities.

That the Senate shall be replaced with a different method of election that favors Urban Areas since Red States felt that they were entitled to more votes than Urban areas.

That emotional and mental fitness shall be required for anyone who; owns property that is rented by others; teaches, owns a firearm, runs for elected office, works as a state, local or federal law enforcement official or owns a company with more than a hundred employees so that no sociopath or psychopath shall ever unwielding power on our citizens ever again or may darken our nation by achieving political office.

That no law shall be passed that cannot be enforced.

That unionization is not only encouraged but shall in no way be interfered with by any government or company and is understood to be a human right.

That the senate shall confirm any appointment by the president within 30 days; that no individual senator can stop it and that no ACTING appointee to head a federal agency will be political and may only come from the civil service.

That Climate change shall be the National Prime Directive and that anyone who works to stop its reversal shall be treated as an Enemy of the State and the Enemy of the Species.

That We, the United Cities of America declare ourselves Morally and Culturally superior to Red States and will no longer tolerate their interference in our affairs.