Maybe my opinion of the Trump Regime are over blown (They're not) but maybe some things are just early...
Folks, after Stop Cop City, we know that the regime is in coordination with cops. Biden didnt really ever purge the DHS of the elements that lost evidenciary text messages or rounded up BLM Portland protesters in unmarked vans or threw out homeless people for a trump church bible opportunity...ALL of those people plus the insane CBP and INS agents who put kids in cages. The centrist corporate dems (who lost) are naval gazing and are like 'wE sHoUlD hAvE nAzIeD tHe BoRdEr HaRdEr'...seriously? All police unions endorsed Maga. If you see a cop, you know they likely voted Nazi or voted for a union that did...
So, you know the cops are nazis...and you know they've got cameras on their bodies and their cars and every business tied up to facial recognition software owned by Peter Thiel and that they own surplus former military equipment. In short, the police have become soldiers, and that makes the people the enemy. So you would think that the dems would realize they are about to live in an active police state and fight this, right? Not so much. You see the Party can't be wrong, and so the Party has to cooperate with their AIPAC masters and do what AIPAC wants, and since protest 'threatens israel' then protest is bad; all protest is bad. Dem Mayors and Dem policians are not your friend. Punching Hippies is what the dems do.
Anyway if you are going to protest anyway to be Brave, then here are some basic things to do.
Do everything on this list. With some exceptions. Don't 'check your phone settings'. If you can, get a burner flip phone instead of bringing your regular phone. If you must bring your regular phone, get a Faraday Cage bag. And don't just assume it works; physically try calling your phone while its in the bag. Sting Ray can ping your phone and see where you are at all times. And that's old tech. The NRO Spy Satelite Guy is all making nice with a nazi. This is another interesting list but especially this part.
Don't shake hands, hug, share drinks or engage in long face-to-face conversations.
Stay vigilant - while you may have every intention to demonstrate peacefully, realize that protests have the potential to become unsafe quickly.
Document injuries with photos and note the time and location.
When protesting in an area in an occupied Nazi state, monitored and responding to militarized nazi police, be aware that the entirity of the government is against you, and that the rights that you thought you had are effectively gone. I can conceive of many outcomes of what I might do, maybe Switzerland will say I suck and toss me out and let the Mrs Stay after 3 months, but I will not be joining the protesters despite the admiration I have at their courage. Because the Leader has encouraged their deaths. Don't believe Maga lies about anything, especially about how conservatives love free speech and protest. They consider Jan 6th a 'peaceful protest.' Now the Leader is going to pardon them, which means even if you protest before Jan 20th, the murder police know they can shoot you and get away with it.
Non violent protest is to be admired and has done a lot of good throughout the world, but know what you are getting into under the regime. The rules have changed. Going out and banging pots and pans unless it is part of a mass general strike is a good way to get shot. Tactics would be wise to change.
Update after publication
How to Survive the Broligargchy: here