Tuesday, July 26, 2011

[Rant] Who is to blame for the debt crisis?

The American People, that's who.

Republicans are doing what they were elected to do, shorten spending at any cost. They only kind of lied this time. Sure they've voted for deficits in the past, but the American People decided that it was more important to Send a Message to Washington this time than think about the consequences of what they were doing.

Some, of course, including many tea partiers knew EXACTLY what they were doing. They want the government, and certainly at the least the government we know to come crashing down.

They consider people that rely on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, you know 'entitlements' to be parasites. They think that people that get their money from the government haven't 'earned' what they got. I laugh at the people who believe this. Obviously they've never talked to someone who lives on those benefits. I'd love to see some tea partier call a WWII veteran a 'parasite' because they're on social security.

Of course to the leadership of this movement, this is revenge against the baby boomers for the 60's. Roger Ailes and the Koch Brothers want to ensure that THEY never get the 'entitlements' because they dared do things like Brown Vs Board of Education, the Civil Rights movement and Equal Rights for Women (all of which, by the way, required a powerful federal government, as did the end of Slavery.)

But the American People? The majority of them failed.

*Stayed Home
*Voted for a third party (nothing wrong with this but they cared more about their right to vote for a third party than care about what the Republicans would do)
*Voted Republican

I mean, Democrats often vote for Democrats for dumb reasons and don't think more than Republicans do, but the one thing you CAN'T do is blame Democrats for what Republicans are doing regarding the deficit.

Unless, of course, you're one of those people who thinks what the Republicans are doing moving us towards the edge of doom via the current debt crisis is a feature, not a bug.

To which I say, Fuck You.

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