Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[Rant] Why I think your best option to change the country is to cover yourself in slime and vote for Huntsman in the GOP primary.

I have made no particular secret about my loathing of the current GOP. It is controlled by Tea Party fanatics who care more about their ideology than their country or their fellow man.

But Obama is a spineless coward who lets the Tea Party walk all over him.

So let's follow my logic: You can agree or disagree but its pretty simple really.

1) Are you an Obama Supporter?

a) If yes, skip to step 6.
b) If no, go to step 2.

2) Are you a Frothing Tea Party/AGW Denier?
a. If yes, Go to hell.
b. If no, go to step 3.

3) Are you a Republican?
a. If yes, Huntsman is the ONLY Republican who has not publicly denied the biggest threat facing our planet. He is a fiscal conservative with executive experience, and if you feel like your party has been stolen by crazy people, you have no better way of showing it than by choosing the most moderate candidate available.

Furthermore, all of the other candidates are theocrats OR Ron Paul. Note, if you are a theocrat, go to Step 2a. If you are a Ron Paul supporter, then I feel sorry for you. Ron Paul used to have principals until fairly recently where he began talking like a theocrat and abandoned his duty as a congressman.

Ron Paul Disgraces the Office of Congressman and insults the Presidency

I'm sure Ron Paul supporters won't care, but I don't care if you care any more. I have lost all respect for Ron Paul.

ALL respect.

4) Are you an independent?
a) If yes, go to step 5.
b) If no to go step 6.

5) Do you support a third party?
a) If you do, then you can still vote in the Republican primary and for your third party candidate in the general election. Look, the biggest message you can send to the Republicans right now that you don't like the way their party is acting is to pick the candidate LEAST like the rest of the party. If you vote in your third party election, they honestly aren't going to care. And you're still going to be able to vote for them in the general election.
b) If you don't, and just vote for the two parties, then the odds are you're disgusted with the two main parties. You can't influence the Democrats. No democrat has enough guts to step up to the plate to challenge Obama. Just "Throwing the Bums Out" doesn't do anything by itself. Look at Rick Perry. He's the leading Republican Candidate right now and he's everything bad about George W. Bush with none of the good! (And yes, even though I consider the man a war criminal, George W. Bush DID have some good qualities, especially compared to Rick Perry.)

6) If you are a democrat, are you happy with the way the REPUBLICANS are acting?

a) If you are, then you're either not a democrat (see step 2a) or you're gleeful because you think they're destroying themselves as a party maybe? If you are truly that cynical, then vote in the Republican Primary for some minor stupid candidate like Rick Santorum. Of course if he then actually wins, well then the jokes on you isn't it? But the Republicans are going to elect SOMEONE, and you might as well choose the lesser evil of the Republicans which happens to be Huntsman.

b) IF you are NOT happy with the way the Republicans have been acting, but want a sane opposition party, nothing will slap them in the face than getting in their nasty election and voting for Huntsman. They've been jamming the gears of the country for the last 25 years, the LEAST we can do is return the favor and jam up theirs.

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