Tuesday, September 25, 2012

[Rant] If Conservatism is So Strong....

If conservatism is so strong...why does it need to shout down any other ideas?

If conservatism is so strong...why does it claim to be the victim when it victimizes?

If conservatism is so strong...why is there only one "true" conservative network in a society with a "free market" in which the majority of the country is "center right?"

If conservatism is so strong...why is there always an excuse?

If conservatism is so strong...why do they need to raise the bar on voting as high as possible and pretend its for "voter security?"

If conservatism is so strong...why does it need to crush truth instead of nourish it?

If conservatism is so strong...why is that only rich people, selfish people or theocrats seem to be its most strident advocates?

Some liberal blogs, sites and individuals delete comments they don't like.

ALL conservative blogs, sites and individuals delete comments they don't like.

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