Friday, March 28, 2014

[Rant] Tolerance of Intolerance is Not a Virtue

Have you seen this ridiculous comment cycled by your conservative friends?

"The left are only tolerant with people who agree with their agenda.  What happened to tolerance of my beliefs?"

Let's turn that around shall we?

What we WANT is liberty for all, not just for caucasian monotheists who think that the steam engine is a really scary idea.

When you say "Your freedom ends at the end of my nose" what you mean is "Your freedom ends where I want it to and my freedom goes where I want it to."

When *WE* preach tolerance what we mean is, "Hey, you wanna worship a scary God who sends hurricanes to punish people because they're acting the way He made them in the first place, that's OK, but don't impose those beliefs on us."

We won't even get into the extremely un Christ Like manner most of these supposed 'followers of Christ' behave.

While it is true that it seems that every single conservative talking point is a lie (and I mean ALL of them) and there are no conservative values (to be eventually covered in another post) THIS one annoys me more personally because it takes an actual liberal virtue and turns it on its head as if somehow tolerance means accepting intolerance of other people.

What kind of a stupid moron believes that? I mean seriously?

Tolerance means accepting others until they start trying to force you to behave according to their lifestyle...and not having state sanction for your narrow and harmful beliefs is *NOT* harmful to you, no matter how many convuluted insane claims you make otherwise.

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