Bother - Also known as a Bothsider Freak An individual who insists that both sides of the political spectrum of the same no matter what evidence is provided to the contrary. See also Truther or Birther.
Carthaged - Burying an idea so far deep in history that it becomes forgotten or lost or irretrievably changed, like how the Romans not only burned Carthage, but salted the earth around the city so it could never rise again. Sure, the memory of Hannibal and the Alps lives forever...but check a map...Rome lives. There is no Carthage except Carthage, IL maybe...and I doubt that's what Hannibal fought for....
Shrugger - Follower of or one sympathetic to Objectivism, specifically Atlas Shrugged. They also typically believe they have secret secret knowledge that none of the rest of us have ala RandGoldOwl.
Murdercop - In a society without accountability of Law Enforcement, Cops aren't Cops, they're Murdercops
Windowfucker - A person who asks, "How much property was damaged in a riot?"rather than "How many people were hurt in the Riot?" or "Why did the Riot Happen?"
Virus Ally - See also RFK JR, people who think Vaccines are false or claim to just want a different vaccination schedule but everything they say or do clearly indicates that they're just murderous virus ally freaks
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