Wednesday, April 16, 2014

[Phil] OK, so both sides are bad. That doesn't mean both sides are EQUALLY bad.

Two articles recently have come to my attention.  The natural response from bothers is of course being to be that both sides are the same, and that the elite simply use our divisions to keep us apart.  Well, to a certain degree that is true, but that also doesn't mean that Shruggers and Conservatives are not pathological liars and that they're the REASON the elite are able to play us like fiddles.

The first article is a fascinating study by Princeton that pretty much tells us what those of us paying attention already knew.  That the elite are in charge, and that we on the ground are worth nothing in terms of affecting power.  Or in other words, exactly what Occupy Wall Street was talking about.  But Shruggers and Conservatives have insisted that they had no actual agenda or effect on the national dialog and were basically bunch of hippies.  Nothing could be farther from the truth, and the fact that this article was even published is to me proof they have affected the dialog.

The second was posted by this rather interesting youtube channel called Stormclouds Rising that basically proves that Harry Reid had his hand in the cookie jar regarding the ranch confrontration.  Does that change the fact that Mr. Jolly Ranger has had his OWN hand in the federal cookie jar getting free grazing for 25 years? No.  It does not.  Both are scum, and Stormcloud's rightfully had quite a bit of skepticism given the people defending Jolly Rancher.  Shruggers love to talk about the importance of contract law, but the fact is Mr. Jolly Rancher had a contract with the federal government to PAY HIS TAXES and broke it with the rest of us for 25 years.  I have no sympathy for Mr. Rancher.

So what do these two articles teach us? Something we knew already.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  So what?  Just because the elite are money grubbing f*cktards, doesn't change the fact that they are still people. In fact, that proves they are even MORE like people, which means that they all still have their own political beliefs.  I mean, seriously, if you had a chance to talk to the Koch brothers or Mr. Boner or Harry Reid in a locked elevator, they might eventually admit to stealing billions from US tax payers, but they would still have substantially believe that their own publicly admitted political platform was right.

The 'elite playing both sides against the middle' smacks of RandGoldOwl, and it's pretty f*cking rediculous.  Why ascribe to compotence what we can just ascribe to greed?  Greed trumps ideology in government service with Harry Reed, and Greed trumps ideology in the terms of small government or fiscal responsibility in the Koch brothers.  That doesn't mean they all get along.  Sure, they lie to us an manipulate us, but there is no 'special accord' between the two factions of Cowardly and Corrupt and Corrupt and Crazy that actually rule this country.

Both sides are not the same.  So let's call a spade a spade here.  Special special special snowflakes say, "Calling half the country stupid is just empowering the MAN, man" but really, the special special special snowflakes are actually empowering their own jailers.  We *DO* need to unite, and we do *NOT* have to agree.  There are a handful of Shruggers and Conservatives who only lie about things like AGW but actually understand that the minimum wage is not evil and taxes are not theft. 

We're in a war for our survival, a war for the soul of this nation, and in a war, do you want someone who pathologically lies to you to be your rifle buddy?  If you're a gamer, imagine if you had to play blind but the other guy could see your cards all the time.  Liberals may be too fragmented and occasionally too cowardly but conservatives are totally self deceptive to the point of their own destruction. It is not liberal competence that has kept the middle class from imploding all this time but conservative Incompetence in selecting tea party candidates.

NOTHING will be accomplished until the bothers finally stop pretending both sides are the same and admit that lies will accomplish nothing.

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