Thursday, May 15, 2014

[Cons] Article 1, Section 9 - Titles of Nobility (4 of 4)

Sir Paul McCartney?  Sir Alec Guinness?

England has this wonderful opportunity to grant brilliance in a field with a title of nobility.

Yet our constitution forbids it, primarily to get away from the European tradition of Monarchy.  You see the monarchies were often tyrannical entities that took away the rights of the colonists that fought for independence to get away from them.

Really? Well, it's true that I'm free to write this blog, but god forbid we protest in the streets because we'd be beaten to death, and the people doing that beating would never suffer the consequences for it.  

But really?  How about the idea that we should basically just Carthage the concept of a Republic.   Why? Because we've had some evil dictators and evil organizations in history....Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Ida Amin, Ghengis Khan, but NONE of them....not one of them have ever tried to deliberately wipe all life on earth just to make a quick buck.

All a Republic is is a country ruled by 'the people' instead of a king.  What's so great about having the Head of State in the hands of the Presidency anyway?  Every single one of our presidents to Carter have been, as near as I can tell, Immoral in one way or another...and Carter?  Yeah, not Immoral so much as Paralyzed at a time of critical crisis...then Ford who pardoned Nixon, Nixon, LBJ....

Hardly moral pillars even if all did good and bad things.  But why NOT elect a moral bedrock as our king?

A monarchy does not mean a HEREDITARY monarchy.  Why not elect the king every ten years?  Or Queen?

We don't need a house of Lords, but we could have a moral foundation of individuals recognized by society to have great worth and performance.  They should have ZERO power...and of course it could be abused...but if they did, then a democratic society can take the institution away or remove the title from those who espouse evil views.

And really...explain to me what moral superiority men who said that it was OK to own people have over anyone else anyway? If they didn't want titles of nobility maybe we should take a second look.

Note: Giving them actual LAND or power, would be absolutely stupid nonsense of course.  Our own house of Lords, the Senate, is also corrupt and evil.

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