Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Nazi Containment - The Case for a Global Lockout of America

Let's start with the simple awful truth.

Trump is not going away.  I don't mean the man, I mean the forces that put him in office and sustain him.  40% of America backs him unconditionally.  This man is a self avowed murder, adulterer and traitor and yet he has the unconditional backing of more than a third of America.  Even if he is removed from office, his backers are chomping at the bit to replace him with an even crazier fool.

America is sick.  America is infected.  America is beyond saving.

Nothing short of a constitutional convention could deprive these people of their 'rights' and they will not stop demanding the destruction of freedom for the rest of the world.  This is not hyperbole.  This is not exaggeration.

These. People. Will. Not. Stop.

And of the remaining 60% of America, fully a third has the intelligence of a tadpole and the memory of Dory in "Finding Dory."  Republican presidents WILL be elected again and they will all be as filthy as the one we have right now.  Waiting for another democrat is meaningless.  Any good will or faith in America will be undone the next time White Trash occupies the White House.

So its time to lock America out.

1) Remove America from the UN Security Council.  How does America serve the security of the world? We don't.  We bomb more people than all other nations combined.  America makes the world less secure not more.  Fascist countries do not deserve votes on the security council.

2) Remove the Dollar as the world reserve currency.  Why in the HELL would ANY country in the world want to use a currency backed by schizophrenic nazis?  We will quantatitive ease it.  We will dictate what your banks can do.  We will fuck your economy for our own. 

3) We do not keep our word.  There is no treaty conservatives will honor and the will of the non conservative Americans is simply not there to oppose them in all things and reduce them to the legal status of children they deserve.  So we will ALWAYS be Trump.  We will break our word again and again.

You are a fool to trust America.

4) Our military should be unwelcome in all ports out of the US.  Without cooperation from the world, our military is effectively powerless.  Does that let Russia and China extend their reach? Yes, it does.  Maybe the rest of the world can join up and form a defensive alliance, but YOU CANNOT COUNT ON AMERICA, because America is filth.

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