Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Letter to Biden

Mr President,

I want to insult you, but the subject matter is too serious not to use your appropriate honorific.  I sit here reading my google news feed and see a Snopes Snip,"Did Trump Share Post with Article Saying Trump Dictatorship is 'Increasongly Inevitable' and it is marked True.

Mr Biden  we have had our disagreements and I have called you many things  but I speak plainly now.  If you fail to address Trump as a terrorist, you should resign.  This is not hyperbole.  He is using fear as a political tactic, which is terrorism, he dogwhistles fascism and dictatorship.  No one who favors him has any doubt about his intentions.  You swore an oath to defend the Republic and uphold the constitution.  Even assuming you dont take him seriously, how dare you roll the dice with the American public? How is this man walking around free?

Mr. President, you talk alot about Hamas and how bad it is, and how they are terrorists and how Israel is justified in its actions..A thought exercize for you Mr President...if every Republican changed their party affiliation to Hamas...what would you do?

Hamas calls for the total destruction, by violence  of the nation of Israel.  The Republicans routinely use language that describes liberals as sub human.  Is there ANY doubt in your mind, ANY that Trump will put you  your entire family  the senate  the house and media personalities they dont like in concentration camps on day 1? Person for person  lgbt people alone in this country outnumber the population of Israel   Yet you are willing to be bipartisan with a party that wants these people dead.  It wants to strip the rights and humanity of women  people of Color and anyonr they dont deem fit or pure 

Mr President  you are being nice and bipartisan with a party more wicked  more unchristian  more homicidal than Hamas.  Do you REALLY truly believe they wont? Mr President  have you personally spoken to the workers in the bus harried by trump terrorists in texas? Have you spoken to the police officers threatened by maga terrorists on 1/6? Have you spoken with the families of those terrorized by gun maniacs in schools?

There is no doubt, they are coming for us. Do you think history will judge you kindly? Do you think your inaction knowing what is coming will be viewed fondly? Mr. President, you will be the joke of everyone who spoke of the fall of America for ten thousand years   You will be a comedic drunkard that Bad King Trump fooled, a disney charichature worse than Prince John in the disney movie.

Here are things you  and you aline can do right now
1) Ask the DOJ to harshly prosecute any violations of court orders for Trump or any Republican
2) Immediately launch investigations into every single Republican and billionare backing them for treason.
3) Fire Garland if he resists in the slightest.
4) Immediately make public all material you have that isnt direct evidence in a trial against Trump to show even more what a threat he is
5) Prosecute all known violations of the law any republican has committed
6) Begin realistic preparations for an American government in exile and prepare for infrastructure and services of Americans in case they need to retreat
7) Change IRS policy on taxes of Americans abroad so that only millionares pay us taxes abroad  this will be weaponized against Americans who flee and is already disgusting
8) By presidential decree mandate copies of the library of congeess made and hidden throughout rhe country and the world to preseve against the books he will burn
9) Fire any dhs employees loyal to Trump  just fucking so it Mr. resident
10) Pronise to have the US Military on site at every red state and blue city pling station to protect our voters

You wont do any if this  but never say you werent warned

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