Nothing worth accomplishing anything was ever accomplished by liars.
- So if we can't wait for the mythical third party....
- And non violent revolution has and will be crushed in this country...
- And armed revolution without the aid of the military is functionally impossible...
- And revolution fostered BY the military is a horrible horrible idea...
- And John Galt isn't going to save us...
- And a mythical charismatic leader rising up from nowhere isn't going to save us...
Then where do we start?
- Because doing nothing is only going to make it worse. The elite are taking more power and wealth, not less.
- Non violent revolution IS possible, but it does require a truly free society in which it possible.
So where do we start?
We start by eliminating the police.
Now, now, I know I sound like I'm insane, and I do not think all police individually are evil or against us. But there is instance after instance after instance where it seems AS AN INSTITUTION the police are in a perpetual state of us vs them, as if they were in permanent Stanford prison experiment mode. Why else do you think the Oligarchy is arming our police departments?
OK, you might argue, granted the police might be the first tool in the arsenal of oppression, and there might be some bad apples, but surely reform is possible.
What kind of reform might you be proposing?
Civilian Oversight? Many of the police departments that took part in the nationally coordinated strike against Occupy had Civilian oversight boards.
Monitoring? Lots of police abuse has been caught on camera and nothing has been done about it. Also, sometimes the monitoring equipment is tampered with.
Getting better leadership might remove corruption, but it will not remove the 'us vs them' mentality of police units in riot gear. For a peaceful revolution to succeed, the police need to have enough cohesion to stop a legitimate riot, but side with people making a legitimate protest against the oligarchy.
In short, when the Department of Homeland Security calls them up and says, "We're going to crush the first amendment rights of Americans," the police say, "Go F*ck Yourselves." Let us also not forget that in union states, police unions are highly conservative and are often the only union to ally themselves with conservatives. If we are to hope for change, it will never come from conservatives. Conservatives are by definition against change. Look at the vast majority of conservative attitudes toward Occupy.
So what we need is a democratization of police forces, and not a political democratization, but an ACTUAL democratization. After all, at the federal level, the Democratic party is indeed part of the oligarchy, even if they're the less lying part.
So how might this goal be accomplished? Well...have you ever had your bike or scooter stolen? Maybe your house robbed or maybe your car? Were the police able to do much there? No. But they're fairly good at solving murder (when they're not pinning it on minorities that is but that's really a prosecutor problem) They're also pretty good at solving traffic accidents. But, come on, haven't you ever wondered, if you are driving on the highway, if the cop sitting there with a laser gun didn't have something better to do? Are they working for you or the insurance companies?
Before professional police forces, militia often handled investigations and matters of domestic abuse etc. If your house is in the process of being robbed, you want the police to show up. If a bunch of bank robbers are taking people hostage, you want the police to show up.
So let's think about this then: Homocide detectives, SWAT, administration and maybe in certain cases (MAYBE) counter terrorism, police efforts are genuinely appreciated (though I suppose if your religion makes law and order part of your creed then ALL law enforcement efforts are appreciated, Oligarchy or not), but traffic enforcement and vice and riot control are all some of the areas of the worst abuse by people who seem to have far too much time on their hands.
Here are some solutions I have thought of so far:
A core professional core, with the national guard performing non professional functions. This would entail removing the national guard from the pentagon's command in all events save invasion by an actual foreign army. The problem with this is that Washington is Corrupt, and so this will not happen. It could maybe happen after we rewrite the constitution...but not now.
Again, a core professional series of units, who can handle legitimate police function, but for large scale operation like riot control, citizens are called up in reserve units ala Jury Duty. If it is a legitimate riot, then the 'posse' concept would work quite well. You might have over enthusiasm, but at the same time if it is Occupy or a non violent protest, as long as you didn't have too many conservatives in your ranks, you'd be fine. The key to this is that you need to have large scale things like this done by CITIZENS, not citizen oversight, which means protection of their jobs while they do their stint and ACTUAL PAY unlike Jury Duty which is complete crap.
Those are the only two I've thought of so far. Electing all cops won't work, it's just not realistic. Electing all police core officers of captain or above won't work, because most District Attorneys are elected, and they're often corrupt and withhold evidence from the defense, so that would only make the problem worse. Civilian oversight doesn't work. Cameras really don't work unless the abuse is flagrant.
The only way we're going to have a peaceful revolution is if the cops are on OUR side, and while it came close in New York, they still have to feed their families and have jobs, so when DHS leans on mayors (conservative or liberal alike) and threatens to remove all federal funds if they do not comply, the police sided with the Oligarchy. We still have control at a local level...we can do this. Change at the federal level seems impossible. But change at a local level, in non conservative areas is something that CAN happen, though it is a risk.