Saturday, November 16, 2013

[Humor] RandGoldOwl

Matt Stone and Trey Parker did a rather skillful job of making fun of Global Warming with their parody, "ManBearPig."  This mysterious creature is half pig, half bear and half human.  Of course, the sad thing is, that much like Pen and Teller, these otherwise intelligent individuals have through the grace of smelling their own farts, made themselves holders of the super super secret libertarian knowledge known as RandGoldOwl.

What is RandGoldOwl you say?  It is a terrifying creature that walks the earth, that is Half Galt, Half Gold and Half Owl.  The Galt half looks like a man, the perfect image of John Galt, super secret ninja messiah of the Libertarian party.  Who is John Galt? John Galt is a man who believes that if you stop building it, it will all fall apart.  The super secret rich people who really make everything work are the only thing that is keeping society from falling apart, and if they stop what they're doing, we will all be forced to follow the super secret special libertarian way of less government.

Gold.  What is gold? It is a metal.  This golem has magical metal properties and is the only basis for an economic system.  Never mind that every nation on earth uses Fiat currency ( the way, North Korea and the libertarian paradise, Somalia) Gold is special.  When the Fall comes from too much government spending, then only Gold will save us.  There's gold in them hills, gold I tell you! Buy gold.  Buy gold! Glen Beck says to buy gold.  Sure he may be spouting off stuff about Obama being a ninja turtle mutant kenyan, but it is better to doubt your doubt than doubt your faith.


And owl?  Why owl? Because this owl represents the super secret knowledge that only Libertarians have.  Only Matt Stone and Trey Parker and Penn and Teller can see the TRUTH.  They know more than climate scientists.  They know more than all the scientists. They know the secret of LESS government.  They have read it in the tea leaves of the SECRET US Constitution.  You might read the constitution and see one thing but in the SECRET SECRET SECRET US Constitution, the Chosen, those who are wise, can see the truth.

Thank God we have these special people to constantly remind us of RandGoldOwl.  Without them, we might believe that government could be the solution, that the federal reserve stops economic collapse, and the actually obvious interpretation of the constitution were correct.

They know the secret.  They know the way.  They can see....RandGoldOwl.

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