Sunday, February 9, 2014

[News] The Time Has Come To Suspend Turkey From NATO

The United Nations, the OAS and the EU are all attempts at regional harmony, and represent geographical interests coming together.  All of these bodies pay lip service toward democracy, but all of them routinely behave in undemocratic fashions, though the EU dramatically less so.  The UN was little more than a paper tiger during the cold war and has placed all real power in the hands of five nations that were on the right side of WWII.  The idea that Russia has a permanent vote but Japan, Germany, Brazil and India do not is laughable.  The OAS did nothing to suspend Venezuela during Chavez or dictators before that; only, and quite hypocritically, Cuba.  Even the EU has had issues disciplining its own members when Austria started to go the direction of Right Wing Fasicm....something the EU was set up explicitely to protect them against.

NATO is different.  NATO was set up as a check against the iron curtain and the soviet block.  NATO is an alliance of democracies, any one of which can stop the actions of the others by a simple veto, which seems insane from a policy point but somehow it worked and terrified (and still terrifies) the Kremlin.

And now along comes the tin pot tyrant Edrogan.  He started out well enough...a moderate Islamist, who helped the democratic nature of his country by stopping the Deep State and improving the economy.  But over time, we  have learned the deep skeletons in Edrogan's closet.  We have learned of the intimidation of journalists.  We have learned of corruption and then a mass purge of judges and the police as a result.

But now we see Edrogan trying to steal the internet.  Edrogan is a tyrant. Edrogan proves that there is no such thing as a MODERATE islamist, just as there is no such thing as a moderate nationalist christianist, hinduist or any other religion.  ANY other religion.  A theocracy is a theocracy, not a democracy.

While Edrogan rules with tyrants powers in Turkey, Turkey has no place in NATO and it should move to expunge him immediately.

That will set a precedent to do the same thing when our own Deep State tries to imprison our journalists as "accomplices" to whistleblowing and exposing the truth; tears away net neutrality in the interests of telecoms, and rigs the election with an 'inevitable' neoliberal vs a tea party psyhcopath as a choice.

When that happens to us, *WE* should be suspended from NATO as well.

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