Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[Phil] When you're the only game in town

You make the rules. There is no republican party. There are certainly no Republican values, and even the moderates admit they have no party to turn to... Or do they? Remember folks we live in the 2nd Gilded Age. Money talks. Obama is a sitting president, looking to eventually retire. And there is a lot of money to be made as an ex president. Hilary Clinton is pretty much seen as the inevitable 2016 nominee, only this time it really seems inevitable. The country is unlikely to vote for anything the Republicans are shoveling. Oh sure, Reagen Reality inhabitants are all gung ho, but as many flaws as she has, Mrs. Clinton is infinitely better, and staying home got us Bush II twice... BUT, when you've got 6 years, likely 10 years of almost inevitable power in the bag, why not make some cash? Net Neutrality is dead, and the telecom companies are going to fleece you for all you're worth. And President Obama isn't going to do a thing about it. Why should they? You don't pay as much as Comcast does. Does that mean you should give up and die? No, of course not. There are things you can do, and there are people mobilizing to do something about it, just understand that it is going to take time and a lot of hard work. But it will be worth it, so you can watch what you want without paying two or three day's pay for it.

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