Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Lords of Hypocrisy - Part 2 Constitution for Thee But Not For Me

Normally I just spit on conservative websites but I want to use their pathetic wording to make my point.  Here is the National Right to Be Assholes site, let's look at Satanic Verse 4.

Because they enjoy the special privilege of exclusive representation, unions have a legal duty to represent fairly all employees in their bargaining units. Unions are legally required to represent nonmember employees the same as members, but unfortunately this duty is often breached.

So right now the satanic court is trying to, and will, destroy public sector unions because it's their first amendment right.  When it serves conservatives, states right's matter.  When it doesn't, they do as they please.  When it serves conservatives to protect the first amendment, they do.  When it doesn't, they do as they please.

These satanic conservatives are arguing that the first amendment gives corporations the right to unlimited money in politics, that the satanic first amendment gives free loaders the right to get union wages and have to pay nothing? WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT THE FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION OF THE MAJORITY? WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THEY BE BOUND BY SATANIC LIBERTARIANS??!?!?!?!?!


When it serves conservatives to hold up a liberal appointee to the Supreme Court, senate procedure and rules matter.  When it doesn't they do as they please.

Ever hear the phrase "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine?"  People (mainly satanic conservatives) often consider FDR's attempt to increase the number of justices on the court a failure and a dangerous attack on the independence on the court.

First off all, FUCK THAT.  Conservative ideals and ideas have no basis in legitimacy.

Second of all, if the court has 9 vs 200 justices, then the court can still say "fuck you" to the president any time it wants.

If Trump was doing it (the inevitable argument from milquetoasts and centrists) I would say ...OK and? But but but but...they stammer.

We do it RIGHT BACK to them when we retake power.  No congress is ever bound by another.  The size is whatever congress sets it as.


The rules are meaningless under the current constitution.  Decorum means NOTHING to conservatives.  I am going to be writing about the Judiciary and resuming my rewrite of the Satanic Constitution.

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