Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Lords of Hypocrisy - Republic for Thee but Not For Me

If a Conservative is Speaking, a Conservative is Lying.

This maxim often earns me judgemental eyerolls from centrists and stochastic pacifists, but it is by long and methodical observation of Conservatives in every culture in the world and throughout history that observes it.  All political methodologies lie because humans lie but conservatives are uniquely qualified in their lies.  I explain why here but the TDLR version is that it is simply inherent in the nature of the philosophy because fear and envy bring out the worst in human nature.

So, this disgusting piece goes on and on about how the May government is "giving away" the "Democratic mandate" of the Brexit.  So, when poll after poll shows that a conservative position is in the minority, these guys say "We live in a Republic, not a Democracy" but one vote by a minority and suddenly they're all about Democracy.  When you can even get one of them to admit that they got 3 million less votes than when they voted for Trump, they use illogical bullshit like "well they represent more land mass."  Excuse me, but are we voting by wealth or property ownership in our Democratic Republic? Is the land voting? Because if so then what the FUCK has that got to do with anything?

Time and time again, on pretty much ANY issue you care to name; any value they claim to have, they shift like snakes and it isn't just American conservatives that do it either; its pretty much ALL conservatives.  Aside from the fact that, by and large lower IQ's tend to gravitate more towards them due to fear (empathy is a higher function in the brain), you can bet your bottom dollar that they are going to use Whataboutism or a Gish Gallop to defend their position.  In the rare instance that you can find an honest conservative who doesn't use Fake Facts, they will shift the conversation into such meaningless hyperbole that any fair moderator would vomit in disgust.

It is time to stop engaging these people as equals.  Better, don't engage them at all.  Those among us who insist on doing so should not be taken seriously either.  It is OK to disagree with me, but if you sling nothing but bullshit, you are to be ignored and if you bring someone to dinner at my home who stands up on the table and metaphorically shits on the main course, perhaps I won't invite you back next time.

If you insist on taking liars, conmen and huxters seriously, I won't take you seriously.  My very intelligent friends who tolerate the bullshit slung by their conservative life long friends are still my friends but I assure you the weight of their opinion is much less unless they challenge these fraudsters each and every time.   It's the only way.

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