Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Proof the Birth Certificates of the NRA Members and ICE are FORGED

Alright, this will seem strange but I'm using this one weird trick, walk with me.

First, background.  ICE has recently begun to pretend that some legitimate birth certificates of immigrant citizens are forged.

But this isn't political persecution in a state that the Republicans might lose, oh no!  It is Trump's legit religious belief that Birth Certificates are something you must spiritually believe in.  Trump didn't believe in Obama's birth certificate even when he showed the long form Birth Certificate on national television to humilate him right before Osama Bin Ladin was killed.

Oh wait, you didn't forget that did you?

I know Trump didn't.

So since Spiritual belief is what matters to Trump on Birth Certificates, and all Trumpanzees Think Like Trump they believe what he believes...

Then the Religious Freedom Act prevents us from applying science to the birth certificates of NRA Members and ICE.

What does THAT mean?

It means that when the court determines that we can't tell if their birth certificates are forgeries placed there due to Time Travel from Russia in the year 2099 to go back in time and infiltrate America to destroy it from within; we can legitimately question their citizenship.

And when their lawyers say that there is no scientific evidence of time travel....we point to the Religious Freedom act, and how they have already involved their spiritual beliefs in science rather than actual fact due to their denial of climate change.

Let me repeat that:

Members of the NRA and ICE are NOT citizens.  Their birth certificates are forgeries.

IF you defend them, we might need to check the validity of your birth certificate too.

The Slippery Slope is now a cliff.  It's a question of whether or not you're getting pushed off it.

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