Thursday, November 8, 2018

Bypass Centrists, Coordinated Non Violent Retaliation

Alright I am saving some of this for the podcast, but there is so much desire for change and so much to do here are my primary thoughts right now.

Bullies need to understand the concept of retaliation; there must be consequences for their violation of norms of our society and if they control the presidency there will be no prosecution of these acts.  We can, however, do things like ensure Democratic candidates for 2020 agree to take on AG who will prosecute voting irregularities of 2018.

Centrists and mealy mouthed Civility democrats will say "no we need to be nice to the fascists" but that's bullshit.

YOU MUST NOT ALLOW THESE PEOPLE TO CONTROL THE CONVERSATION.  We are all ANTIFA now, even those of us who don't want to go out into the streets or getting added to a DHS/FBI database of 'violent agitators.'

Anti-Abortion terrorists have been using terror against abortion clinics for a long time by printing databases with the home names and addresses of abortion doctors and clinic workers.

Don't worry, pearl clutching liberal friends, I'm not advocating violence, both because it is illegal and dumb, but because I know you literally aren't capable of it until the conservative paramilitaries start killing people in the streets.

But I digress, my point about the anti abortion people is NOT to say 'be violent' it is to say that COORDINATED non violent retaliation IS something we can work together on and if the website hosting this data is not based in the US we can coordinate our actions.

For example; they take out blue state polling stations, give us voting machines that don't work? Well, what happens in 2020 in Red States if a bunch of blue staters who had early voted drove the minimum speed limit on the high way causing a traffic jam in the middle of bumble fuck Wyoming? Sure, early voters would be fine but they still go to the polls like anyone else. Pick the right state where the Senate is in the balance this is a perfectly legal perfectly non violent solution.

We need to do a TON of things like this and do so in a decentralized way so the Trumpistas can't target us.

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