Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Revocation of Adult Status

Women who vote themselves into slavery are not fit parents.

Parents who drag their children around to gun shows and make them drink their own urine for whatever random health crazy they are into are not fit parents.

Parents that homeschool their kids with abject lies like the fact that the bible is literal fact are not fit parents.

The Soviet Union and other oppressive regimes sent dissidents to Asylums for centuries. Indeed, the eras that Republicans want to go back to; the 1950's or Victorian England, routinely had women lobotomized for expressing too much independance or opinions they did not like.

I think that people who VOLUNTARILY subject themselves and those under their protection to insane and self destructive behavior forfit their right to be treated as an adult citizen.

bUt sLiPpErY sLoPe RhOmBuS, wHaT iF tHeY dO tHe SaMe To Us?? Well fucking idiot, they already want to. They want to suppress our speech. They want to put us in camps. They want to make us slaves or secondary citizens and destroy our democracy. Meanwhile 'Education' takes decades, and you can't change honor or rape culture in a single generation. What do you do with people who now dont care about the nazi imagery and ideology that the Leader slings and WILL believe until the day they die? Do you really think putting the nazis back in the nazi closet will happen when Trump dies? Capitalists have already openly declared themselves the enemies of democracy in America and so has the right wing.

For every 'honorable enemy, there are thousand and thousands of dishonorable ones that must never be given a second chance at power. The democrats wont step up of course, which is why they must be removed from power for their failure to protect us from nazis.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Dismantling Capitalism

I dont really expect any of my ideas to make it into the final form of a constitution, but they are useful for thought execizes, and let's assume the following for this one:

-The National Chorus is given the authority to create charters for businesses hoping for a similar shielding that Corporations have today.

-Businesses must register at the Federal Level given the failure of states to properly regulate corporations.

-Capitalism has no right to consider itself an inherently useful and non dangerous ideology, merely needs to be shown that it always causes statification and corruption being baseline criticisms, but the fact that Capitalism was used to deliberately delay the already herculean task of climate change means that Capitalism may NEVER make the defense that "it works better than the other systems." It doesn't. It just a pretty good system that works until it runs out of other people's money to pay for it.

-Since the new government will bypass the existing congress, there is no inherent obligation to preserve the existing status quo since almost all money earned in the last 50 years was earned by theft or corrupt regulatory capture. That means all if it is subject to ethical claw back.

-Therefore, former corporations will be forced to PROVE that they provide a public benefit to the new society rather than just automatically retain its liscence to operate. It can be turned into a worker owned collective charged by the government. Almost all wealth in America is created by theft, which means all of it can be redistributed.

With these postulates, I will throw out the idea of killing two birds with one stone. Use companies willing to help the new government transition as getting a 20 year moratorium on their disolution in the United States as long as they dont try to transfer their wealth out of the United States, provide an accepted public good (besides making profit for their shareholders), and that they dont fund conservativism or other terrorists or enemies of the United States at home and abroad.

This will create a herd effect. As businesses begin to realize that the new constitutional movement is serious, they will realize that the talk of disbanding them will also be taken seriously. Capitalist help to promote and encourage the new government could speed the movement directly. Enemy companies that want to take away the right of the people to rewrite the constitution without being bound to the rules set by slave owners; fully in compliance with international law, would make the case in their future trial before the National Chorus that their company should not be granted a charter and in certain cases, like Fox News, referred to the Hague for trial on Crimes Against Humanity for climate change denial.

Companies that elected to responsibile governance structures, including encouraging unions and encouraging worker ownership of a significant amount of the company would be welcome in the new regime. Organizations that elected to champion fascism would and should be treated accordingly.

Eventually, a philosophy that is coherent and opposing Capitalism will emerge, but for now, taking anti capitalist steps including severe financial regulation, total destruction of business free speech, and the requirement that federal charters be used to force these organizations to serve the public that allows them to exist are all steps in the right direction that could actually work.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - What to Watch For Nov 6th

The Election itself will go fine. There is no guarantee of anything but all the indicators that I actually trust and follow common sense say Harris has this in the bag.

It is now well known that Donnie Darko is not receiving public funding for the transition and some people believe that means he plans to steal the election. We knew this the instant he wouldnt admit he lost and ran for relection. We know he has said he will plan the 1/6 Treason Weasels, and we know that he has said he will pardon anyone else. The court gave him a writ of immunity as a virtue signal that if he gets them a case similar to Bush v Gore, they will steal the election.

Time is running out Prior to Jan 20th to plan for the coming coup, but if you want to know how to do this, watch this video. If you want to know what things will be like under a Trump regime, watch this video instead. If you want to be as prepared as possible, watch/listen to both.

The election will be fine. Its the stuff Trump is going to do after to make noise or say that the whole thing was rigged and who will be moving to help him do that that is in question. Expect the entire Republican party that hasnt endorsed Kamala Harris to join with the Leader on messaging on this. Heaven and Earth will be moved to try to move the election to the House of Represenatives or to the Supreme Court or both. Even if the EC is 300 to 157, the Republican Party will contest the results and say that Trump is the leader. This is the price you pay for allowing lying and making it legal. You allow an entire party and wing of ideology to create a false narrative and be willing to steal the results of the election, even when they're asking you to ignore the noon day sun.

The point is, you're going to see noise and chaos. There is no conceivable way this will be over with the election and it very likely wont even be over after (or if) Harris takes the oath of office. You see, you have to remember, BIDEN is the President until 1/20, and while every Bluewho will cheer about Biden's wise choice to step aside for Harris, the fact is he COULD do so the day after the election. Yes, she has a vital role tie breaking in the senate as VP, and yes, a divided senate might not allow Walz to serve as VP, meaning its dangerously putting Johnson as one heart beat from the presidency. On the other hand, Biden is tired, and has already shown no willingness to deal with Dejoy, Garland or Wray or anyone else right of center in the government or remotely Trump leaning.

So use logic here. If we know with ONE HUNDRED PERCENT certainty that the Republicans will use ANY and EVERY excuse they can to bring the election before the supreme court, then that also means that the Rape Court will go along with almost ANY decision that makes Trump president or even just kicks the decision to the House. But if the court makes a blatantly and unconstitutional decision to just throw the election to the Republicans, then the President who has immunity from prosecution for his official acts; and has a choice. Will he abide by the court or the constitution? His oath of office is to the constitution but if the court ignores it there is no other constitutional option save impeachment (which I mean, its Congress....) or to refuse to enforce an unconstitutional decision. Can we REALLY count on Biden to do this?

Ergo why Harris should take over as President the day after the election; it wont happen but its well worth the risk not to make Biden have to decide to enforce the will of the people or not....

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Impending Death Surge - Dear MVP

Dear MVP Harris

You know better than me how close this is. You as a black woman running against a sociopath who saw the dead space in his soul in person knows better than I how dangerous he is. You know better than I how bad this will be.

Then you, better than I, saw how the High Road of the Obama administration made them worse, not better. They are a threat to civilization itself. They are a threat literally to life itself. So you, better than I know that maybe you should choose survival of our nation over worrying about your legacy. You, better than I, know how we need hope and that hope isnt going to magically happen.

You need to treat this like the stakes demand. Please act accordingly.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - One of Us

By Emmit Other

You are one of us

If you shut your mouth

We are the servants

We are the second class

We are equal by our servitude

We proudly bare our neck for the yoke

And we will make you serve with us

Bend the knee with us

We will break you

Just like they broke us

Whether you like it

Or not

Friday, October 18, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - The Deep State as the Ally of the Rural

We've previously argued about the idea that a majoritarian electronic democracy with very reliaable non corruptible state structures could actually work in a way that makes no one happy but makes Representative Democracy look as quaint as Fuedal Monarchies did in terms of abusive structures. But if Just In Time flat structures do exist; with the bite of the state but the nearest utopian style minimalism that reality still demands for a functional state. But for the state to do the things that most people want it to do like deliver the mail and protect you from slavery and poverty and loniliness it will need to have structures. It will need to have institutions. And at some point, you make decisions in a fair society based on geographic region. It is only acceptable to make decisions by region rather than by population when you get to the level at which society must regard the needs of the one with the needs of the many. The many MUST recognize the needs of the invidivudal, because the individual is the many.

Which is a lot of fancy words for saying take what history says with a very heavy dump truck of salt. On the other hand, in the normal real world, people want to have a reason to get up in the morning; have something to do, and not worry about their basic needs like feeding themselves, clothing themselves, and being able to spend their time doing the things that they want to do and do it at level for their own needs not those of a small elite few who are particularly assholes. That means democracy, there is no way around that, and that means that there will be disagreements about how to do things. So you need to decide where we need to be free as a society and be free as an individual and they are not the same and they are the same. And extermists will continously and sometimes with out reason push their own view there; when most of the time common sense and intuition says it has to be a balance, and that no one can really decide what that balance is but the majority.

But everyone lives somewhere. And your sense of where that somewhere is may very. For some people, their whole world is a part of a city that is a few blocks and everything they would ever want government to do should cover that area and what those people in that area would want is all government should ever be or do. And then there are some who believe the world should have no borders and that anything that happens within those borders should apply to everybody everywhere. And for most of us, we dont really think of the world like that. We just want things to be normal and let us care about what we care about. But for those fringes, it isnt about me or you but really about grouping people all as one big whole for everything that it is they care about against the things that people in one part of the country want compared to everyone else. And those people will form coalitions of the things they want. That's been happening for as long as we can remember.

Even in a minimalist flat utopia, nobody wants to have trash dropped where they live, no one wants to be the last in line for resources or even the newest upgrade to vital technology like telephones or the internet or whatever random thing it is next infrastructure wise. Your system of government needs to understand a sliding scale of invidivuality by geography to understand that you cant let a group of people dominate even a small geographic area against its will any more than you can decide to make just .000001% of your population be slaves. You are either all the way against slavery, or you are a slaver. And no one wants just a little poop in their sandwich. That means in a just society, a truly just society you need to balance the needs of the city or even the city block against the needs of a nation. You need to treat the people of 16th street and Elm just the same as you treat the people of Wyoming.

And to me, the sweet spot for that to happen isnt some demonic compromise of self sovereignty of the many by minority geographic tyranny. Its to make sure that when the rubber hits the road to decide whether a street is going to get paved here or there, that both parties have an equal voice in the room. And that means that the people who show up and engage in the policy making at the institutional level have to have the right to do that. It comes to how you spend your time and focus. I dont have all the answers, but I know at the department level, the actual top level of execution, those that want to be in a self identified geographic location should be able to have their interests equally represented. And I dont know what that structure will look like, but I imagine a just version would be as chaotic as the web of life itself.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Abolish the States

I come not to Praise the States, but to Bury Them.

So let's start off with the fact that I am not biased against Rural areas, but rather evil, and since Conservatism is the most consistent and reliable form of evil and one of the areas conservatism tends to manifest the most is in Rural areas, be aware of my perspective. Indeed, to me, Rural areas should be serene and dynamic places with schools just as good as cities, where people can work from home and still live and shop locally. Before dealing with a psychotic boomer landlord, we had nothing but positive experiences in Greenfield MA, but that is because the state actually provides some decent infrastructure for the city in education and other benefits instead of turning it into Laboratories for Meth. The term "Laboratories for Democracy" refers to a supposed strength of the federal system in which the states can try localized solution to wide spread problems. And sometimes this has worked; the legalization of marijuana, reform of Gay Marriage etc, but for every success there are ten failures.

The American South and its record on rights and now the American Red State and its record supporting fascism is simply unacceptible. And for a long time, rural areas have resented cities and in several states in America, fuck things up for them as much as possible. Almost every red state does this; as well as New York. in the case of Illinois or Oregon, its the opposite with more progressive and enlightened urban areas dominating the politics of the rural areas. Needless to say, what you never see in any state except Massachusets, Vermont or Hawaii are education rural areas fighting educatated urban ones. When 47 out of 50 laboratories let a third of their employees snack on lead paint chips like potato chips, then something is not working. And the States allow walking talking pieces of Excrement like Desantis or Noem or Abbot to literally terrorize their citizens, then its time to review the entire concept of the state.

So if we federalized the functions provided by the states, what would that mean? Well, it would mean that if we had a decent federal system of ranked choice voting and multiple parties and federal recalls then conservatives could never steal the opportunities of children ever again. It would mean a federalized police force would have federal standards for murder police; and dont get me wrong, federal law enforcement still murder with impunity but the worst offenses still get investigated by the inspector general and the FBI instead of off the chain sherrif departments or private militias taking over local governments with banned books and terrorism in local towns. We would have parties that were better balanced.

The consistent thing I keep hearing from liberals about the solution to nazification is education. And that is readily apparent in Massachusets; centuries of prioritizing literacy and education has made Western Massachusets remarkably nazi free for a rural area. But the operative term there is centuries. And let's remember that Europe still has its nazi parties in the far right or its nazi adjascent ones in conservative ones. But Europe has until the last few years proven far more resistant to nazification, and none of them except Germany had a federal structure. And yet despite the anti nazi laws (which I approve of) the AfD is running amok in the rural east. And its not like Germany hasnt spent money there. No, when you have local governments of a certain size, there is a risk of conservatives taking tehm over.

Now until the last few years, I've always liked Federalism. I still love the system in theory, but I have to ask this to counter the idea...Which of your rights do you want conservatives stealing or fucking up? Conservatives fuck up and corrupt and destroy everything they touch, and while they might gain control of a national government, they can be redone at the national level. Do you want your kids to grow up ignorant? Or framed for taking drugs they never touched by the local cops? Do you want your parks ruined and slimed by polluting businesses? Even your local traffic ordinances can be weaponized by fascism to try to kill you or have no safety mechanisms whatsoever. I know I dont want conservatives in charge of anything, and one way to do it is to ensure that there are no local governments for them to destroy and corrupt.