Women who vote themselves into slavery are not fit parents.
Parents who drag their children around to gun shows and make them drink their own urine for whatever random health crazy they are into are not fit parents.
Parents that homeschool their kids with abject lies like the fact that the bible is literal fact are not fit parents.
The Soviet Union and other oppressive regimes sent dissidents to Asylums for centuries. Indeed, the eras that Republicans want to go back to; the 1950's or Victorian England, routinely had women lobotomized for expressing too much independance or opinions they did not like.
I think that people who VOLUNTARILY subject themselves and those under their protection to insane and self destructive behavior forfit their right to be treated as an adult citizen.
bUt sLiPpErY sLoPe RhOmBuS, wHaT iF tHeY dO tHe SaMe To Us?? Well fucking idiot, they already want to. They want to suppress our speech. They want to put us in camps. They want to make us slaves or secondary citizens and destroy our democracy. Meanwhile 'Education' takes decades, and you can't change honor or rape culture in a single generation. What do you do with people who now dont care about the nazi imagery and ideology that the Leader slings and WILL believe until the day they die? Do you really think putting the nazis back in the nazi closet will happen when Trump dies? Capitalists have already openly declared themselves the enemies of democracy in America and so has the right wing.
For every 'honorable enemy, there are thousand and thousands of dishonorable ones that must never be given a second chance at power. The democrats wont step up of course, which is why they must be removed from power for their failure to protect us from nazis.