Thursday, October 17, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Abolish the States

I come not to Praise the States, but to Bury Them.

So let's start off with the fact that I am not biased against Rural areas, but rather evil, and since Conservatism is the most consistent and reliable form of evil and one of the areas conservatism tends to manifest the most is in Rural areas, be aware of my perspective. Indeed, to me, Rural areas should be serene and dynamic places with schools just as good as cities, where people can work from home and still live and shop locally. Before dealing with a psychotic boomer landlord, we had nothing but positive experiences in Greenfield MA, but that is because the state actually provides some decent infrastructure for the city in education and other benefits instead of turning it into Laboratories for Meth. The term "Laboratories for Democracy" refers to a supposed strength of the federal system in which the states can try localized solution to wide spread problems. And sometimes this has worked; the legalization of marijuana, reform of Gay Marriage etc, but for every success there are ten failures.

The American South and its record on rights and now the American Red State and its record supporting fascism is simply unacceptible. And for a long time, rural areas have resented cities and in several states in America, fuck things up for them as much as possible. Almost every red state does this; as well as New York. in the case of Illinois or Oregon, its the opposite with more progressive and enlightened urban areas dominating the politics of the rural areas. Needless to say, what you never see in any state except Massachusets, Vermont or Hawaii are education rural areas fighting educatated urban ones. When 47 out of 50 laboratories let a third of their employees snack on lead paint chips like potato chips, then something is not working. And the States allow walking talking pieces of Excrement like Desantis or Noem or Abbot to literally terrorize their citizens, then its time to review the entire concept of the state.

So if we federalized the functions provided by the states, what would that mean? Well, it would mean that if we had a decent federal system of ranked choice voting and multiple parties and federal recalls then conservatives could never steal the opportunities of children ever again. It would mean a federalized police force would have federal standards for murder police; and dont get me wrong, federal law enforcement still murder with impunity but the worst offenses still get investigated by the inspector general and the FBI instead of off the chain sherrif departments or private militias taking over local governments with banned books and terrorism in local towns. We would have parties that were better balanced.

The consistent thing I keep hearing from liberals about the solution to nazification is education. And that is readily apparent in Massachusets; centuries of prioritizing literacy and education has made Western Massachusets remarkably nazi free for a rural area. But the operative term there is centuries. And let's remember that Europe still has its nazi parties in the far right or its nazi adjascent ones in conservative ones. But Europe has until the last few years proven far more resistant to nazification, and none of them except Germany had a federal structure. And yet despite the anti nazi laws (which I approve of) the AfD is running amok in the rural east. And its not like Germany hasnt spent money there. No, when you have local governments of a certain size, there is a risk of conservatives taking tehm over.

Now until the last few years, I've always liked Federalism. I still love the system in theory, but I have to ask this to counter the idea...Which of your rights do you want conservatives stealing or fucking up? Conservatives fuck up and corrupt and destroy everything they touch, and while they might gain control of a national government, they can be redone at the national level. Do you want your kids to grow up ignorant? Or framed for taking drugs they never touched by the local cops? Do you want your parks ruined and slimed by polluting businesses? Even your local traffic ordinances can be weaponized by fascism to try to kill you or have no safety mechanisms whatsoever. I know I dont want conservatives in charge of anything, and one way to do it is to ensure that there are no local governments for them to destroy and corrupt.

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