Friday, October 11, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Flat Parliaments

So if we are flattening and democratizing government to keep capitalists and conservatives from destroying it, we need to make the voter the ultimate arbiter of everything and allow every judicial decision, bill, policy or appointment to be appealed to the people writ large, but we should also make people only need to get involved if they want. Parliaments mix party interests in the legislative and executive function, and I think having a cabinet of agencies with a devolved prime minister spread wide and flat allows parties to form deals which is what parliaments do best.

But the party law makers as legislatures should only draft legislation which must be ratified annually by the populace whi can vote simply by colored party line or get into the weeds and ratify or not ratify by individual bill; as well as have an option demanding a follow up election where that bill can be separated by sections and voted for or against. If the populace is educated and involved this endures a good society indeed but if its just parties them the parties know they can jam crap down peoples throats like the UK parliament and nasty tories; since they can be recalled at any time and ALL legislation but be ratified by the majority of the population.

Corruption is still possible, but corruption is alway possible but unless the population has some reason to get something out of the law, they will never approve it and since laws must be reratified every year that means it wont last if people dont want it.

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