Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Impending Death Surge - Red Team vs Blue Team

In the Military, exercizes are often done with one team pretending to be the enemy and one the home team. This doesnt predict what the enemy will due but it can predict what they may do and properly done, even what they are likely to do. Any new constitution must have itself tested against the forces that might destroy it.

So if I can unilaterally condemn capitalism as a failure for Climate Change and Fascism in the Free World alone....then next on deck as a total failure is Conservatism. I'm not going to get in other people's weeds of how they define it. I've known its been a problem for 15 years and have been seeking a legal definition of how to forbid it in a way that doesnt flat out outlaw Freedom of Association and I've come up with this one.

Outlaw any organization that does 2 of the 3:

1) Is Nostalgic about the past

2) Demonizes the Other

3) Lies like they breathe

I've found examples of this behavior in every human society since the dawn of time fictional or otherwise. Sometimes they are reactionary or 'movement conservative' or even communist but they ACT like Cnservatives. The Khmer Rouge were communists but they did all three of those things. A party that demonizes the other is going to go fascist if they arent put in check. A party that lies like they breathe is VERY likely to be conservative because conservatism favors lying. And lyrics to "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" aside, Conservatism always talks about 'the traditions of our fathers' and how the evil immigrants are stealing their jobs etc etc. Simply outlawing a flavor of this is going to have the same effect that Germany did outlawing Nazi, only to have supermarket generic fascism in the AfD.

Far Right parties if you describe Far Right as Anti Immigrant are THE most prime targets to get violent, to accept and encourage lies, to tactically be willing to do anything and everything to win elections including lie cheat and steal. We dont have to guess about this; the Axis of Fascism has allied all over the world; Bannon attends meetings with Putin and Slovakia and Hungary are clearly aligned with Putin. China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran are all allied to fuck with the US; even though they fuck with each other. But Saudi Arabia has its thumbs and fingers in nearly every pie undermining democracy up to and including particularly the Trump Family and Jared Kushner.

Lies do not work in a Market Place of Ideas. And its not like Conservatism ever helps anyone except the Rich. Everything they say they believe in is a lie; everything.

Tomorrow I will speak more on how we can conservative proof democracies.

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