Saturday, October 12, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Seven Prime Ministers

A cabinet will have many ministeries or if American they will likely still be called Departments with Secretaries...but seven positions should be coequal and share the provisions that the current President as Head of Government has the following:

Head Legislator - This position directs the parties legislative efforts to push an agenda of the governing coalition. They are effectively also the head of the Party that runs the coalition.

Head Commander - This position is specically the civilian commander and chief of the armed forces. This person has no other duty but to command the military as dictated by the dictates of the parliament and if time permits the populace at large. His duty is to call and have votes to ratify a declaration of war and justify why it is needful. It should be ratified by the population or it doesnt happen. In war, he commands the army and war strategy.

Head Justice - This position represents oversight of the prosecutoral agents in each executive department or agency. He directs strategy and also directs the prosecution of all laws enacted by the Parliament. He can investigate anyone. Effective Head of all Law Enforcement agencies such as the FBI or DHS.

Head Treatier - This is not a seller of treats but a souped up secretary of state who is in charge of ensuring ratification of all treaties or international participation in multi national government organizations including Military / Mutual Defense treaties. He can veto any action by the Head Justice or Head Commander that violates an agreed upon international treaty. He is also able to investigate the Head Justice for criminal violations so that no one is in charge of investigating themselves.

Head Secretary - Runs all other departments or agencies not covered by Justice, State or Defense. May veto any action covering a law or regulation effecting their agencies. In charge of earned benefits and laws and regulations governing State Charters created by the National Chorus

Head Ombusman - Always has standing in any court. In charge of defending laws not enforced by anyone else. If the law isnt enforced by him for a period of time then it becomes null and void. In charge of receiving direct citizen positions and representing them in court so that the individual has a representative at the highest level of governments. The Elites deserve nothing.

Head Dodger - Able to veto over all other positioned. Named after the Artful Dodger and is in charge of admistration of courts and agencies that enforce the will of the courts. Prosecutes or decides all Contempt enforcement whether of court or the Parliament or the Chorus or the National Assembly/population. Is the effective voice of the National Assembly/Population at large and in charge of ensuring that the popular will is maintained and that election integrity ensures cooperation with the government. Also always has standing in any court.

All Vetos can be overridden by Parliament AND/OR by the National Assembly / Population.

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