Thursday, October 3, 2024

Impending Death Splurge - Just in Time Recall

 My brief sympathy and investigation of Anarchy did yield some positive results.  Hierachy is abusive and can be corrupted.  Any time another person can have power over another, then there can be corruption.  Flat is better, but Direct Democracies can do dumb things; because People can be very stupid.  We all know this.  And we dont even have to speculate on hypotheticals.   Athens tried regular vanilla democracy and it turned out the loudest voice in the room could Shock and Awe people into voting against their self interests.  The Solution to this is to still have a Checks and Balances framework, but make the people fulfill the role of the Legislature and allow time instead of supermajorities to counter radical changes to the system.  Indeed, if you simply make your system such that you can have one person in charge of the army but that the populace is NEVER allowed to delegate their ultimate sovereignty and that the Tyrant or Leader or President or whatever can NEVER prevent the people from voting; then that solves one problem right there.

But a functional system (ie not anarchic consensus) is still going to have some hierarchy and some laws because unless you are engaged in Human Eugenics, we will always have conservatives and sociopaths walking among us seeking vulnerabilities in the system to exploit.  However, if we assume that Hierarchy is abusive then we need to take the concept of the Recall but apply Just In Time principals to it.  For those not familiar with the term, it means that in supply dynamics, you keep the supply chain 'lean' and as barebones as needed to still meet the needs of the end point of the chain.  Walmart does an excellent example of this by having the supply chain start the instant you by a widget to replace it.  Obviously, in the real world, this process also has to adjust for supply and demand such as the Christmas season.  (And sit down, you in the back squealing about Capitalism and government is not a business; you can still learn from your enemies.)

HOW does one apply a JIT mechanism to the recall? (And frankly, I think this should apply to multiple areas but we'll get to that).  The first and best area is just like Checks and Balances, you make sure that a JIT recall adjusts its mechanisms to the needs of its stakeholders; meaning the voters.  How? Well, you build in automatic feedback.  If the Recall is used, then you have an official confirmation vote of the replacement for the office within 90 days.  Not voting in this case would be approval, but if people are satisfied with the person who replaces the individual recalled then you dont need to do anything; it works.

If, on the other hand, you have sneaky nasty lying conservatives trying to trick the system like they do every time it happens with the recall in California, and everyone hates the Nazi the Conservatives vote in, then you have an automatic method that kicks in to the ballot that allows people to vote on; 1) The Threshold of Votes required for a Recall Election (more or less; thus ensuring that conservatives who will always want more votes required for a recall in a conservative state or less votes for recall in a conservative state will always allow the majority to actually decide to increase or decrease the threshold of recall.). You also allow the voters to increase or decrease the window of the election cycle, and you also allow the voters at large to select a committee to add parameters to make a recall more or less difficult if it is discovered that conservative/elite interests are abusing the system.

By building in correction mechanisms into the recall process, and making it so that the franchise or recall process CAN NEVER be taken by any system the voters may select, you ensure that the majority is never disenfranchised and that the system can be self correcting.  Conservative liars and sociopaths can manipulate the populace for part of the time, but over time, this gets harder to do since the Gullible Conservative is the only one that believes that Vaccines cause cancer etc etc etc.

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