Monday, October 7, 2024

Impending Death Posts - JIT Economic Governance

The following should (to me) be in any new constitution created by a democratic society.

1) Forbid public paid political expression from the top .01% income of the population. You can be rich or you can criticize or publicly influence the government, but you cannot do both. Once you become that rich, your ability to corrupt a functioning democratic government is sufficiently high that you dont get to contribute to political campaigns, political access campaigns, political special interest groups; none of it. You can donate to charities, but those charities must also receive small donations from non rich people to equate to half their income, and you dont get a seat on any board (governing or advisory) of a charity or NGO that attempts public advocacy or to influence public opinion or public governance in any way.

Full stop, do not collect $200, do not pass go.

2) The upper income tax rate is decided independently with no exceptions of any kind. Even the legislature or the government itself cannot adjust this formula short of a full constitutional rewrite and any new constitution would be idiotic to allow anything else. No exceptions. None.

The upper income tax bracket should go up by 1% if the median GNP per capita of the lower 90% of the population goes down relative to the upper .01% percent. If the median income of the lower 90% relative to the upper .01% goes up for 10 years in a row, then the upper tax rate goes down 1%. If it EVER goes down, the 10 year clock resets, but if it KEEPS going up, then the upper % can keep going down to 0.

If you are rich and want your taxes to go down, you make sure that EVERYONE prospers and you cant bribe the legislature to do it.

Full stop, do not collect $200, do not pass go. Tax breaks are for the not rich.

3) Unionization is a right. It should be unalterable by congress except to enforce the basic provisions.

a) The union must always be democratic.

b) The union should always be allowed to own at least 10-15% of the stake of whatever venture the workers participate in.

c) If the organization has stock, they must also be able to participate in 10-15% of any stock issued; ownership or governance or otherwise.

d) Any attempt to stop unionization means that the offending party loses all ownership stake in the organization and that the union gets first dibs in owning it (senior most union with the org if more than one union was supprsed) and anything not sold the union is sold for reasonable value by the government ont he open market.

e) The government shall provide a secret ballot platform which will allow people to join a union with ease, and the question will be asked every single year until at least 90% of the employees of the organization or endeveor are unionized.

f) Attempts to circumvent this law in anyway makes those found guilty ineligle to start a business or financial endevor for no less than 20 years.

g) Every year, members of the union will vote on whether or not the union is representing them. If the majority vote no, a new union is to replace it as organized by members of that union and no one else.

Full stop, do not collect $200, do not pass go.

4) The populace at large determines what rights are; and there are some kinds of rights that are considered economic rights if the civilisation is right enough to afford them.

a) The Right to Housing

b) The Right to Food and Water

c) The Right to the Internet

d) The Right to Education

e) The Right to Transportation

f) The Right to Medical Care

If the government or civilization can afford being able to provide these things (or future things that a majority of the population deems reasonable) then it must be free for at least 90% of the population.

Every year, the population gets to vote on whether or not they feel these rights are being met. If they are not met, the government must come up with a plan to meet those needs. If not voted for positively in the next year, everyone in government who has been involved with solving the issue is out of office and a new government must be elected. Those who failed to meet these needs are not eligible for reelection until the issue is solved for that issue.

Anyone attempting to interfere with this politically, especially for economic gain or to promote stratification shall be disallowed from owning or participating in ownership of money generating enterprises; ESPECIALLY managing or owning property for rental purposes; commerically or residential.

5) Taxation or Wage Slavery is only allowed by the Government. A private individual or organization must have a liscence from the government to have an organziation that charges time tax in the form of wages; recognizing that coercion is the full monopoly of the government and that to have this ability leased or deligated from the government requires permission and continous (ideally annual) renewal and that the business or organization doing so is in risk of having its charter removed if it attempts to politically influence the populace away from its economic freedoms IN ANY WAY.

The population will vote annually on the effectiveness of this provision. If it fails, everyone in government involved in enforcing this provision is removed and not eligible for reelection until the issue is solved.

Full stop, do not collect $200, do not pass go.

6) Any wealth disparity of more than 2000 times the lowest member of society is absolutely disallowed. Anyone who has an anual income of a Billion dollars, when the lowest earning citizen only has an income of $30000 a year will result in the seizure of assets from said person. Furthermore, transfer of assets from the jurisdiction of the government to avoid this penaly AT ANY TIME is to be considered a violation thereof. Stripping jobs from America to another country because you want to continue to be a robber baron or a slum lord means that you forfit your right to own property in the United States of America.

TLDR You do NOT have a right to be rich at the expense of others. Climate Change and Fascism in America have proven that insufficentl regulated capitalism are a threat to the people at large or even for the state to exist and function. It must be stopped. It can be stopped and that includes limiting the "rights" of those who choose to own or inherit property of a sufficent caliber to influence the opinion of the people at large.

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