Monday, December 12, 2016

[Phil] Reality, Left Reality, Right Reality

Once upon a time there was a Left Reality. People in the Right Reality believe that there is a Left Reality still, but except for a few environmentalist whackos, the Left Reality largely died with the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, those of us living in plain old Reality Reality are scared of the Right Reality.

What's all that gibberish about?

What is Reality? Descartes goes to great lengths trying to posit it out. Science has revealed horrifically complicated things about what makes the world work, most of which are simply beyond anything but the most basic comprehension by the common man. Our brains are a series of electrical impulses that convey light to a consciousness that operates in different modes depending on the biochemical balance of our bodies, largely modulated by what we eat, think and do? We are trapped in fleshy prisons with limited senses that are often fooled and deceived by the world around us.

On top of that we not only dream but daydream of realities other than that which we observe, fantasies and flights of fancy of worlds which we only sense (most of us) with faded senses but see clearly or hazily through the mind's eye. A few of us are blessed (or cursed) with the ability to see these dreamverses as vividly as the rest of us see the Reality Reality.

Furthermore, social perception and peer pressure can force us to make something real, even when we might never perceive something as such on our own. If someone was raised in a box...would they really consider small green pieces of paper as valuable? And yet because of our shared lore and history, we have artificial constructs in civilization that are practical real to the point of truly objective reality because of the consistency of their effect.

Still, with all the flaws we have in our ability to perceive the world around us, we do generally acknowledge the reality we wake up in in the morning as the one that is there. It is the one that says you need to brush your teeth in the morning or you're going to get cavities. You need to pay your cable bill or it will get shut down. Still, because of modern technology and science, the observable simple reality has become complex....we rely and trust on specialists to determine how much we really know.

I don't know that Quantum physics is real, but I do know that guys who say it is real talk to other guys who know how to Make Stuff, and those guys have made some amazing advances in electronics that do things that I can see work really well. So I'm pretty inclined to believe the guys who say Quantum Physics is real.

However, I also am able to observe guys who make a lot of money by owning a lot of Stuff, and who have a vested interest in acquiring Stuff, and who hire a lot of people who I know are good at manipulating and adjusting human or mob attitudes into discrediting some scientists because they want more Stuff.

I might not KNOW everything all the scientists know, but I do know that the scientists produce stuff that I can see and experience with a pretty regular basis.

I also know that scientists have reported and continue to report things that People Who Make Their Living Selling Religion find objectionable because it makes it harder for them to sell their religion. And for a hundred years (if I can believe the history books, which I do because I've now lived a good chunk of it, and Historians also respect Scientists for the most part and they both have Peer Review which they say works pretty good) the People Who make Their Living Selling Religion have been attacking Scientists any way they can until they started questioning the very institutions of science itself.

I also know that there is a political alliance between People Who Make Their Living Selling Religion and People Who Want To Acquire Ungodly Amounts of Stuff. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out then, that both of these people have a vested reason to attack Science and therefore I should take anything that they say with a grain of salt. People Who Make Their Living Selling Religion can provide a product that makes me feel good, but it only works some of the time at solving other problems like if I'm in pain. Science doesn't work all the time but it works more than People Who Make Their Living Selling Religion.

Also note that there is a difference between Religious, Spiritual and People Who Make Their Living Selling Religion. That's a topic for another discussion.

So once, in the Soviet Union, Stalin in all his wisdom said that Trofim Lysenko was right. Lysenko didn't believe in the Scientific Method. In fact he had those pesky Scientists Burned a

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