Sunday, December 18, 2016

Some things are still useful on Daily Filth but why check it?

This diary is a brilliant memetic compilation.

Why, given that I called this website a festering pile of shit, would I still monitor it?

Because I keep hoping someone somewhere will do something that is going to work.  Daily Kos is great at organizing; it always has been.  It helped Occupy and helped get out word about it.  But Daily Kos is not occupy.  Daily Kos conveniently forgot when Obama crushed Occupy; Daily Kos works for HRC and the DNC.

Make no mistake, they do not try to hide this....

"More and 'better' democrats"

Those Democrats are HRC.

This Russian hack thing is important...its a viable method of attack, but they are also unwilling to admit their arrogance.  This is ALL ABOUT their arrogance.  Its why they lost.  Shouting down their opponents, but the nazi sympathizers in the American West, South East, South West and Mid West; and the actual people who simply didn't want HRC to be president.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and is there anything more vacuous than Trump?

Daily Kos is likely to fail; and likely to be crushed, because while they can organize, they are lost in their own self deprivation and lies.  The core of the resistance has to have the moral strength to retain its own identity and message and still be capable of embracing anyone and everyone that might work with it.

Daily Kos is exactly the opposite.  It insists that only the HRC version of freedom is the only one we get to have...and anyone else who doesn't accept that is a racist, classist, sexist pig.  But even if you don't believe that, look at how they treat new comers.  Any organization that does that, that insists on COMPLIANCE on joining, that crushes anyone who doesn't agree with them (yes, there are dissenting voices but only those who were COMPLIANT for a number of years and proved they were not 'sock puppets') cannot succeed, it cannot lead.

Bernie opened up to anyone who wanted to work with him.

HRC said that only those who wanted to go her way could be part of her 'big tent.'

You know where else they use big tents?

Exterminators in a house.

Big alliances are fine, but if you get so big you stand for nothing you're better off with a bunch of smaller tents; that's an army, not a fumigation.

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